What are Your Angels Trying to Tell You? - QUIZ

What are Your Angels Trying to Tell You? – QUIZ

Your high vibrational team is always communicating with you, and they often use numbers. Use this quiz to unlock a message they have for you, today!

Want to know what your Angels are trying to tell you? Take this quick Know Your Aura Podcast quiz to find out!

Love, Mystic Michaela

What are Your Angels Trying to Tell You?
What do you resonate most with in your life right now?
Which best describes what you need most right now?
What angel signs have you received lately?
Which color appeals to you the most at this moment?
Which affirmation resonates with you the most?
When do you most notice number patterns in your life?
Which crystal calls to you at this moment? (Don’t pick your favorite crystal, pick which one resonates with you the most right now.)
Which activity would you do right at this moment if you could?
Where do you see angel number sequences the most?
Which animal calls to you at this moment? (Don’t pick your favorite, just the one you feel most called to now.)

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